Our Goal is...
...to work in a synergistic way to build a solid foundation that will aid in your growth. We believe by working collaboratively; we can help your organization transition from a volume-based environment to a value-based care system that can measurably improve quality and reduce costs through the effective alignment of people, process, and technology
We start with our SWOT HEALTH model to aid in bringing the right partners together with the right capabilities and expertise so we can develop solutions to your challenges. To compete in today's health environment, you need to deliver excellence in your service and products. This means the people, the process, and the technology needs a refresh.
Starting Point
Work Analysis
Nephrology Practices
Clinical Educators
Medical Employers
Physicians/ Nephrologist
Health Provider
Medical HR Professionals
Nurse Practitioners
Chronic Disease Specialist
Nephrologist/Dialysis Joint Ventures
Organizational Restart
Financial Assessments
Assist Accountable Care & Provider Organizations (full, partial, shared risk)
Next Generation Healthcare Services & Products
Complex Patient Care
Who We Help
We have extensive experience engaging with and
understanding specific audiences to solve for any business challenge. We have demonstrated our expertise in the renal market.
Technology innovation is requiring us to think differently about the way we deliver health services and care. At SWOT HEALTH we create customized solution based strategies that allow your operational leaders to respond to the rapidly changing health environment demands from: reduce labor expenses, increased patient, physician, and employee engagement and improved satisfaction results.
Our years of experience in the chronic disease, health services, and technology space have provided us with a solid understanding of national and regional trends, as well as the local dynamics of the market. To achieve excellence we work with you to align strategy with operations and finance to ensure that it is not only innovative, but operationally achievable, financially feasible, and beneficial to your organization and the community it serves.
Collaboratively we work with you to achieve your goals through comprehensive operational analyses, employee, patient, and physician satisfaction scores and competitive advancements, which in turn highlight opportunities for improvement and excellence.
Performance Growth, Operational Analysis, Home Health Care System...
Joint Ventures, Independent, Groups, Aquisitions
Today’s health systems have many physician relationships, ranging from affiliations to FTE models. As more risk is shifted to the provider under value-based reimbursement, physician relationships need to be aligned with the provider organization in working toward shared goals for excellence in quality care. Providing collaborative alignment results in overall benefits for patients, physicians, and the health system. At SWOT HEALTH we assist you (physician organizations) with designing and developing compensation and incentive plans, marketing and communications that support your aligned strategic goals and objectives.
Medicare, Medicaid, ICD10, ACO, Medical
Rest assure our SWOT HEALTH team will identify opportunities and provide tailored revenue & reimbursement solutions to create a transparent infrastructure and a team-based culture for optimal revenue. By transforming the structure to achieve results through technology optimization, performance improvement, and business process outsourcing
Strategic marketing and communications in the health industry is about providing opportunities for employees, providers and organizations to make healthy choices that contribute to a better quality of life, for both themselves and the larger medical community. SWOT HEALTH marketing & communication efforts are structured to drive growth, support credibility, build brand acceptance and achieve organizational goals.
We develop actionable and highly creative marketing strategies that use emotional connections with internal and external audiences, organizations strengths to engage audiences and industry opportunities to achieve qualitative and quantitative goals.
Marketing, Brand Alignment, Organizational Reset, Employee Communications